Wednesday 24 March 2021


1 2 3 strumming through every scenario-                       in such great pains; “la mi reh “ I hung the notes           to observe pretty and handsome folks, in weird hide outs, what could they be doing there? Seems they wandered trying to find a place they can actually be themselves but No! That was the wrong place😷

To satisfy the crave of belonging to a social click and status with the cliche “Na them dey rush us” “Na we dey run things”—oh! I just realize the grieve it caused me was translated to my strums and it done on me, my first  string was ripped off: that was how painful the sight of this ladies and men caused me 

Why would they rather choose this horrible place and rejoice over it; with a demonic sense of humor they all parade with borrowed clothes and accessories, the game men welcomed them into the ‘cartel’ and showed them more the future had for them if only they consistently stayed— 

Ah!!!!!! Why this scenario all of a sudden, I’ve tried to deal with the images and I’ve lost sleep, I picked up my guitar and all I could strum was “Ebekaino” meaning GOD WHERE ART THOU! Now that was rhetorical; who am I to question God when I am the solution, I am light. Long story cut short, the lyrics in my sound strums “THE CHRISTS PLACE” where I can be all I am without regrets, without a major part of my identity being snatched not thwarted. 

 OH! I’ve Found A Place where I can grow into all I should; it’s the CHRIST place!!!!

For the name of the lord is a strong tower, the righteous runs into HIM and they are Saved!

Little wonder God is not just a name, but a place—for In Him, I live, I move and I have my being. Jesus is the Way to the Father, the place where we can truly become and fulfill destiny!

Have you ever wondered what SAFETY is in this context? 

What’s next; the resolution of my sound ending I. A perfect cadence —Come to Jesus; Stay with Him and Become all you can ever Be❤️ THE TIME IS NOW!!!

             THE CHRIST PLACE.                               ©️Confidence Blossom Ndúdínantí (writinguitarist)

I remain your love ❤️

#royal_priestess #sound_chef


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